Welcome in the Soul Balm temple.

Your space to leave stress, tension and depletion behind.
Hi, I am Cindy, trauma-informed Coach, Theta Healer, Circle Facilitator (and many things more).

I am on a mission to guide you into a new “normal” in your everyday (working) life – feeling calm and energized.

It’s time to explore new paths.
It’s time to do things differently.
It’s time to find ways to create the life we really want to live.

From the bottom of my heart, welcome to my world.

In a world where you are being held, seen and welcomed.

Exactly as you are, in this moment.

With unwashed hair, in a bad mood, tense and stressed, annoyed, overwhelmed, in pain. Laughing, crying. Every side of you is welcome here.

Frau mit dunkelblauem Kleid schaut hinter blauem Vorhang hervor, lachend und mit einer Hand auf dem Herzen. Sie lädt ein tiefzutauchen in Seelenbalsam-Sessions und Seelenbalsam-Kreisen.

Welcome in the Soul Balm temple.

Your space to leave stress, tension and depletion behind.
Hi, I am Cindy, trauma-informed Coach, Theta Healer, Circle Facilitator (and many things more).

I am on a mission to guide you into a new “normal” in your everyday (working) life – feeling calm and energized.

It’s time to explore new paths.
It’s time to do things differently.
It’s time to find ways to create the life we really want to live.

From the bottom of my heart, welcome to my world.

In a world where you are being held, seen and welcomed.

Exactly as you are, in this moment.

With unwashed hair, in a bad mood, tense and stressed, annoyed, overwhelmed, in pain. Laughing, crying. Every side of you is welcome here.

You are welcome here.

So much is expected of us women today.

We get so little appreciation, even though we have it all figured out and juggle so many things.

We expect perfection from ourselves.

In all areas of life, we do our best and still don’t feel good enough. At work, at home, in family. We also want to be in top shape, to be athletic, to always be in a good mood.

We have forgotten how to listen to ourselves.

We have forgotten to hear the voice of our body. What others think, say and expect from us seems so much more important to us than what our own body communicates to us. We don’t even speak its language anymore and ignore its signals.

It is time for you to acknowledge yourself.

In your beauty.
In your greatness.
In your perfection.

Is that difficult for you?

Love, believe me, I can understand that so well.

We are so strongly conditioned by society. You have grown up with certain experiences and beliefs.

All of this has served you and brought you to where you are right now.

I invite you on a journey.

A journey to yourself. Into your inner self.
A journey into an everyday life that you really love. Into a life of abundance, success and ease.

Your transformation in the Soul Balm tempel:

Only when you take good care of yourself, you can take good care of others.

You and your family, your work, your entire environment will benefit.

My mission is…

..to create a new normal in your everyday (working) life.

An everyday life in which it is normal for us to feel calm, connected and energised instead of stressed, depleted and tense. Without neglecting work or family. An everyday life in which our job GIVES us strength instead of draining it. An everyday life full of calm, energy and a sense of freedom.

… to connect women.

Without envy, competition, and other sister wounds. My wish is to heal the core wounds of us women, and to heal and fulfill the deep human need to be seen and accepted exactly as we are.
And, thus, to allow peace, calm and fulfillment within you. You will bring what you have experienced into your family, your workplace, your community. And so, bit by bit, more joy, lightness, a different way of interacting, appreciation towards ourselves and others will become more natural in our society.

... that you grow into the most beautiful, highest version of yourself, of your life.

That you discover this vision, nurture it, let it grow in your heart and soul. That you manifest this vision, and live a greater and more beautiful life than you ever imagined and hoped for.

... the gentle transformation of old wounds.

around your self-worth, womanhood, motherhood. So that you believe in yourself. You internalize the feeling of being loved and loving yourself. You experience the difference between BEING and DOING, and strengthen the BEING part in your life. You feel: YOU are ENOUGH.

... a movement that is bigger than any one of us.

In the group we build strength, a sense of being held, a connection that nourishes us, holds us and wraps around us as if in a fluffy blanket.

Make yourself the gift of experiencing what it feels like to be seen and accepted for who you are.

Allow yourself to fall and be caught.

Experience what it means to dive into Soul Balm circles

Be the first to get all the news and sign up for the newsletter!

Discover the balm for your soul in a candlelit group. Experience what it feels like to be seen and fully accepted just as you are.

Encounter yourself in the intensive 1:1 process and release deep blockages and limitations. Invite so much more freedom, ease and joy into your everyday life.

Come with me on MY journey, learn more about me and explore how well we fit together.

Write to me. Your requests and questions are welcome here.

Frau lächelt sanft und schaut den Zuschauer direkt an.

Do you want to go straight to the 1:1 sessions?

Does your soul need soothing?

Here you are seen. In your essence.

Without judgement. You can be who you are. Without masks, without roles, without expectations.

We go deep.
Gently, held, within your boundaries.

Empowering. Liberating. Relieving.

Like balm for the soul.

Mein ganzes Erwachsenenleben ist geprägt und begleitet von persönlicher Weiterentwicklung. Schon in meinem Elternhaus habe ich das Tapping (Klopftechnik) gelernt. Innere Reisen, innere Kindarbeit, Ho’oponopono, Aufstellungen, Begegnungen mit Robert Betz, Katie Byrons The Work und noch vielem mehr waren frühe Einflüsse auf meinem Werdegang.

Ich liebe und lebe für kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung – z.B. mit Seminaren mit dem 7. Dzogdchen Rinpoche, schamanischen Reisen, eigener Coaching Begleitung, Cacao Ceremony Teacher Training – und sauge alles wissbegierig auf wie ein Schwamm. Ich lese leidenschaftlich gern Bücher, vor allem die, die mich transformieren.

Mit Theta Healing habe ich eine Modalität gefunden, die viele Aspekte von dem, was ich erfahren und gelernt habe, in einer Struktur zusammenführt, die unglaublichen Tiefgang ermöglicht.

Das Nervensystem-basierten, traumasensiblem Coaching hat mir eine ganz neue Wahrnehmung und Sprache geschenkt für all das, wie wir Menschen sind, fühlen und erleben. Die Tools erweitern auf so sanfte Weise die Kapazität zur Selbstregulation und Ko-Regulation.

All diese Einflüsse bereichern mein Leben und meine Arbeit.

Meinen Gefühlen und Gedanken nicht ausgeliefert zu sein, sondern aktiv für mein Lebensglück loszugehen, selbst etwas verändern zu können - das treibt mich an.

Die Lehrer und Menschen, die mich und meine Arbeit am meisten beeinflusst haben:

  • Claire Rother – Nervensystem-basiertes, traumasensibles Coaching 
  • Theta Healing Instructors (u.a. Catherine Weber, Michaela Keim, Sandra Gallagher)
  • Gemma Brady – Gründerin von Sister Stories und Ausbilderin des Circle Facilitator Trainings
  • Becca Rich – Holistic Time Management Training
  • Andrea Thiesen – Training in Gewaltfreier Kommunikation 
  • Johanna van Löchtern – Mentorin für Intuition, Manifestation und persönliches Wachstum
  • Franziska Behlert – Mentorin für Intuition
  • Lynette Allen
  • Avital Schreiber
  • Joe Dispenza
  • Robert Betz
  • Meine eigenen Reisen in den verschiedensten women’s circles, vor allem in England und intereuropäisch
  • Mein Körper
  • Meine Intuition
  • Noch viel viel mehr Menschen, die mich auf meiner eigenen Reise inspiriert haben: u.a. Nisha Moodley, Abraham Hicks, Gabrielle Bernstein, Alberto Villoldo, Eckhart Tolle.

My whole adult life has been influenced and supported by personal development. Already in my parents’ house I learned to regulate with tapping. Inner journeys, inner child work, Ho’oponopono, constellations, encounters with Robert Betz, Katie Byron’s The Work and many more were early influences on my path.

I love and live for continuous development – e.g. with seminars with the 7th Dzogdchen Rinpoche, shamanic journeys, my own coaching guidance, Cacao Ceremony Teacher Training. I soak up everything inquisitively like a sponge. I am passionate about reading books, especially those that transform me.

With Theta Healing I have found a modality that brings together many aspects of what I have experienced and learned into a structure that allows for incredible depth.

Nervous system-based, trauma-informed Coaching has given me a completely new perception and language for all that we are, feel and experience as human beings. The tools so gently expand the capacity for self-regulation and co-regulation.

All these influences enrich my life and my work.

Not to be at the mercy of my feelings and thoughts, but to actively set out for my happiness in life, to be able to change something myself - that's what drives me.

The teachers and people who have influenced me and my work the most:

  • Claire Rother – Nervous system-based, trauma-informed Coaching 
  • Theta Healing instructors (Catherine Weber, Michaela Keim, Sandra Gallagher, among others)
  • Gemma Brady – founder of Sister Stories and trainer of the Circle Facilitation Training
  • Becca Rich – Holistic Time Management Training
  • Andrea Thiesen – Nonviolent Communication training
  • Johanna van Löchtern – mentor for intuition, manifestation and personal growth
  • Franziska Behlert – mentor for intuition
  • Lynette Allen
  • Avital Schreiber
  • Dr. Joe Dispenza
  • Robert Betz
  • my own journeys in different women’s circles, mainly in Europe and the UK
  • my body
  • my intuition
  • Many more people who have inspired me on my own journey: Nisha Moodley, Abraham Hicks, Gabrielle Bernstein, Alberto Villoldo, Eckhart Tolle, among others.