Dive deep into the Women's Circle.

… In this ancient form of women encountering, sitting around the fire, opening up and strengthening each other.

In Soul Balm circles you dive into a new world.

Dive deep into the Women's Circle.

… In this ancient form of women encountering, sitting around the fire, opening up and strengthening each other.


In Soul Baldm circles you dive into a new world.
An unusual form of encounter,
a rare form of interaction.
So foreign and still familiar, so unusual and yet inviting.

This is about your Being.
Dropping all masks.
Leaving all roles behind.
Without having to meet expectations.

Here you experience true connection.
To yourself.
To your heart.
To your beautiful being.

With all facets, just as you are .

All of you is welcome here.

How are you?

How are you really?

When you peel away the “need to function”.
When you let go of the tension in your body.
When you drop your smiling mask.
When you close your eyes and breathe deeply.

What comes up then? How are you really?

Who are you really?

When you come home
and put aside the expectations of work, of your family, of your busy everyday life.

When you sit down on your sofa. With a drink.
Without a mobile phone. Without a computer or television.


What do you encounter? Who are you really?

Come. Experience the Soul Balm circle.
Come. Experience the
Soul Balm circle.

It is like a deep dive into your essence.

Suddenly there is calmness, like diving under water. Suddenly you perceive everything differently – your breath, your heartbeat, your inner voice.

Here you have the opportunity to listen to yourself and your heart, to really and truly perceive what you are feeling at the moment.

It is so human.

Experience what it is like to truly feel your emotions. To be there with all your senses.

Experience yourself from a new perspective. Find your voice and the words for what you feel.

It is so liberating.

You give voice to things that you have perhaps never said before or even dared to think ‘out loud’.

You feel how you are accepted and seen in the entirety that you say, feel and are.

You have a space where what is said remains, where absolute confidentiality is maintained.

Experience the power of us women.

Experience how there is so much more that connects us women, that we have so much more in common than what separates and differentiates us. Feel the magic that unfolds in the Soul Balm circle and connect with the deep, feminine power within us. And experience so much abundance through all of that.

It is like taking a deep breath.

Finally, there is a break.
A break from the hectic everyday life.
A break from already thinking three steps ahead.

Finally there is space for you. Only for your being. Without any expectations of you.

How would your life be, if you felt that...

It is possible for you in such a loving way.

It is so liberating.

You give voice to things that you have perhaps never said before or even dared to think ‘out loud’.

You feel how you are accepted and seen in the entirety that you say, feel and are.

You have a space where what is said remains, where absolute confidentiality is maintained.

It is like a deep dive into your essence.

Suddenly there is calmness, like diving under water. Suddenly you perceive everything differently – your breath, your heartbeat, your inner voice.

Here you have the opportunity to listen to yourself and your heart, to really and truly perceive what you are feeling at the moment.

It is like taking a deep breath.

Finally, there is a break.
A break from the hectic everyday life.
A break from already thinking three steps ahead.

Finally there is space for you. Only for your being. Without any expectations of you.

It is so human.

Experience what it is like to truly feel your emotions. To be there with all your senses.

Experience yourself from a new perspective. Find your voice and the words for what you feel.

How would your life be, if you felt that…

It is possible for you in such a loving way.

Experience the power of us women.

Experience how there is so much more that connects us women, that we have so much more in common than what separates and differentiates us.

Feel the magic that unfolds in the Soul Balm circle and connect with the deep, feminine power within us.

And experience so much abundance through all of that.

Are you ready for this journey?

Do you feel the call within you? That clear yes?

Here you can find the dates of the Soul Balm circles.

Are you ready for this journey?

Do you feel the call within you? That clear yes?

Here you can find the dates of the Soul Balm circles.
Eine einzelne Rose aus einem Kerzenkranz - center piece - in magenta / rosa auf weißem Teppich mit grünen Zweigen. Ein Ausschnitt eines center pieces des Seelenbalsam-Frauenkreises (women's circle).

Soul Balm circles online

We meet around a virtual centre piece on zoom for 1.5-2h.

We leave expectations, comparisons and judgments behind. We heartily invite warmth, compassion, and curiosity towards one another. We allow each woman to be however she is in that moment.

Click on the date that suits you and you will be taken directly to the checkout for 25 € per standard ticket*.

*The Soul Balm circle is meant to be accessible to all women, including those who cannot afford the standard ticket at the moment. Therefore, there is a limited number of significantly discounted tickets. Please contact me by email. No questions asked.

Frau vor schwarzen Hintergrund führt mit beiden Händen eine dunkle Tasse zum Mund. Ihre Augen sind geschlossen. Sie trinkt zeremoniellen Kakao in einer Cacao-Zeremonie.

Soul Balm-Cacao Ceremony online

We dive deep together with Mama Cacao.

Join the waiting list (and the newsletter) here.
More information coming soon.

Frau vor schwarzen Hintergrund führt mit beiden Händen eine dunkle Tasse zum Mund. Ihre Augen sind geschlossen. Sie trinkt zeremoniellen Kakao in einer Cacao-Zeremonie.

Soul Balm-Cacao Ceremony online

We dive deep together with Mama Cacao.

Join the waiting list (and the newsletter) here.
More information coming soon.

Love letters for the Soul Balm circles

What other women say about their experiences in the Soul Balm circles:

Are you ready to dive deep?

Choose a date of the  Soul Balm circle.

Are you ready to dive deep?

Choose a date of the  Soul Balm circle.

What is the Soul Balm circle?

This is a place to be. Without comparison. Without judgement. Without expectations.

I have learnt in a comprehensive training as a Circle Facilitator to guide you into a depth, to hold the full range of energies and emotions in the group, as well as methods to create a profound experience for you and the everyone in the circle.

You are welcome here, exactly as you are in this moment.

Be it stressed or relaxed, happy and curious, or insecure and reserved. You don’t have to get dressed up, have your hair done, or put on new make-up. We invite your essence into the Soul Balm Circle. That’s the only thing that matters.

What is the Soul Balm circle not?

There is no fixed theme.

The themes differ, and are very individual – depending on what you and the other women bring and share; on what wants to come up and be seen.

This is not a space for chit-chat.

We dive into your inner world. There is no space for superficial conversations.

The Soul Balm circle is not a therapy.

Check in with yourself and be honest about how coherent it feels for you to participate.

Frequently asked questions

In Soul Balm circle a group of women gathers around a (virtual) centre piece with the intention to   to support each other by each sharing their own authentic truth, and to be witnessed and accepted exactly as they really are.

You decide what you want to share. In Soul Balm circle there are absolutly no expections towards you. You may share as much and as little as you like. You may also remain silent and let what the others have shared land with you.

Come exactly as you are. Without putting on extra make-up, a mask or fulfilling a role. We want to see and experience you exactly as you feel at that moment.

In Soul Balm circles intimacy is important.  ist Intimität wichtig. Each woman shall have the opportunity to take as much space and time for her sharing as she would like. That is why the group will be no larger than 8-10 women.

To be honest, it differs from circle to circle. It’s not about who the women are, what they do, where they come from. What all the women in Soul Balm circle have in common is the longing for authenticity, connection and reflection.

I totally understand you. The thought of meeting and opening up to strange women can be scary. You are welcome to the Soul Balm circle in this uncertainty and nervousness. You don’t have to pull yourself together and “just do it”. You are welcome here with your insecurity, with your openness to feel your limits and to enter unknown territory, simply because you feel this call.

I invite you to dive even deeper.

For some it is uncomfortable to be seen in the group.

It might feel unfamiliar to be with unknown women and to open up in front of them.

Sometimes injuries and wounds can come up during the dive in circle.

That invites you to dive even deeper, and to look at and transform them in a held space.

Some wish to be held and supported even deeper.

This call can be so strong: to be held and guided even more on your own journey, to be able to let yourself fall, to know that it will be so good, to experience the relief that the held space brings.

I open up the space for you to dive even deeper.

1:1 in Soul Balm sessions.

I will guide you there with ease.

We look at your very individual wounds, your wishes, your path.

With so much gentleness, love, warm-heartedness and acceptance.

Be the first to be informed about all new dates and offers, and sign up for the newsletter!

Discover the balm for your soul in a candlelit group. Experience what it feels like to be seen and fully accepted just as you are.

Encounter yourself in the intensive 1:1 process and release deep blockages and limitations. Invite so much more freedom, ease and joy into your everyday life.

Come with me on MY journey, learn more about me and explore how well we fit together.

Write to me. Your requests and questions are welcome here.

Mein ganzes Erwachsenenleben ist geprägt und begleitet von persönlicher Weiterentwicklung. Schon in meinem Elternhaus habe ich das Tapping (Klopftechnik) gelernt. Innere Reisen, innere Kindarbeit, Ho’oponopono, Aufstellungen, Begegnungen mit Robert Betz, Katie Byrons The Work und noch vielem mehr waren frühe Einflüsse auf meinem Werdegang.

Ich liebe und lebe für kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung – z.B. mit Seminaren mit dem 7. Dzogdchen Rinpoche, schamanischen Reisen, eigener Coaching Begleitung, Cacao Ceremony Teacher Training – und sauge alles wissbegierig auf wie ein Schwamm. Ich lese leidenschaftlich gern Bücher, vor allem die, die mich transformieren.

Mit Theta Healing habe ich eine Modalität gefunden, die viele Aspekte von dem, was ich erfahren und gelernt habe, in einer Struktur zusammenführt, die unglaublichen Tiefgang ermöglicht.

Das Nervensystem-basierten, traumasensiblem Coaching hat mir eine ganz neue Wahrnehmung und Sprache geschenkt für all das, wie wir Menschen sind, fühlen und erleben. Die Tools erweitern auf so sanfte Weise die Kapazität zur Selbstregulation und Ko-Regulation.

All diese Einflüsse bereichern mein Leben und meine Arbeit.

Meinen Gefühlen und Gedanken nicht ausgeliefert zu sein, sondern aktiv für mein Lebensglück loszugehen, selbst etwas verändern zu können - das treibt mich an.

Die Lehrer und Menschen, die mich und meine Arbeit am meisten beeinflusst haben:

  • Claire Rother – Nervensystem-basiertes, traumasensibles Coaching 
  • Theta Healing Instructors (u.a. Catherine Weber, Michaela Keim, Sandra Gallagher)
  • Gemma Brady – Gründerin von Sister Stories und Ausbilderin des Circle Facilitator Trainings
  • Becca Rich – Holistic Time Management Training
  • Andrea Thiesen – Training in Gewaltfreier Kommunikation 
  • Johanna van Löchtern – Mentorin für Intuition, Manifestation und persönliches Wachstum
  • Franziska Behlert – Mentorin für Intuition
  • Lynette Allen
  • Avital Schreiber
  • Joe Dispenza
  • Robert Betz
  • Meine eigenen Reisen in den verschiedensten women’s circles, vor allem in England und intereuropäisch
  • Mein Körper
  • Meine Intuition
  • Noch viel viel mehr Menschen, die mich auf meiner eigenen Reise inspiriert haben: u.a. Nisha Moodley, Abraham Hicks, Gabrielle Bernstein, Alberto Villoldo, Eckhart Tolle.

My whole adult life has been influenced and supported by personal development. Already in my parents’ house I learned to regulate with tapping. Inner journeys, inner child work, Ho’oponopono, constellations, encounters with Robert Betz, Katie Byron’s The Work and many more were early influences on my path.

I love and live for continuous development – e.g. with seminars with the 7th Dzogdchen Rinpoche, shamanic journeys, my own coaching guidance, Cacao Ceremony Teacher Training. I soak up everything inquisitively like a sponge. I am passionate about reading books, especially those that transform me.

With Theta Healing I have found a modality that brings together many aspects of what I have experienced and learned into a structure that allows for incredible depth.

Nervous system-based, trauma-informed Coaching has given me a completely new perception and language for all that we are, feel and experience as human beings. The tools so gently expand the capacity for self-regulation and co-regulation.

All these influences enrich my life and my work.

Not to be at the mercy of my feelings and thoughts, but to actively set out for my happiness in life, to be able to change something myself - that's what drives me.

The teachers and people who have influenced me and my work the most:

  • Claire Rother – Nervous system-based, trauma-informed Coaching 
  • Theta Healing instructors (Catherine Weber, Michaela Keim, Sandra Gallagher, among others)
  • Gemma Brady – founder of Sister Stories and trainer of the Circle Facilitation Training
  • Becca Rich – Holistic Time Management Training
  • Andrea Thiesen – Nonviolent Communication training
  • Johanna van Löchtern – mentor for intuition, manifestation and personal growth
  • Franziska Behlert – mentor for intuition
  • Lynette Allen
  • Avital Schreiber
  • Dr. Joe Dispenza
  • Robert Betz
  • my own journeys in different women’s circles, mainly in Europe and the UK
  • my body
  • my intuition
  • Many more people who have inspired me on my own journey: Nisha Moodley, Abraham Hicks, Gabrielle Bernstein, Alberto Villoldo, Eckhart Tolle, among others.